Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's back!!!!

I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here will be returning to NBC on June 1st after a six year hiatus. Just saw the preview while watching the second of back-to-back episodes of Celebrity Apprentice. I've got a nice little life going here.

With any celebrity show, it all depends on how good a job the network does in recruiting celebrity contestants. It's a given that they're all going to be has-been losers- the key is that they are least interesting has-beens. From the looks of it, NBC has hit a home run: already on board are Heidi and Spencer from The Hills, American Idol castoff Sanjaya, Geraldo Rivera, and Dog the Bounty Hunter. Get this: rumor has it that Rod Blagojevich has been offered a spot on the show! Cross your fingers


  1. Wow. Didn't watch this show when it was on a few years back but any show that combines this all-star cast is at least worth a once over. You just can't make this stuff up...

  2. Update: The fearless ex-governor will not be gracing our little reality show world anytime soon... Judge says "No"
