Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I guess Jenn's shoulder is feeling better?


I find myself really disappointed that Katie's gone. She's gone, damnit!

However, tonight's duel proved my pre-show predictions that Jenn's a real player here...

For some reason

As we wait for the third and deciding battle between Jenn and Katie, I'm surprised to find myself rooting for Katie. I used to find her really annoying but she seems alright- kind of a leader of sorts of the other outcasts on the show

Second guessing Nehemiah

I know what Nehemiah was going for by bringing Evan into the duel, but you have to question his choice, at least in retrospect. I mean, he would have killed Isaac in that (and probably any) challenge.

Ruthie's awesome

Rooting for Nehemiah because she "likes the underdog"

"I do not like Nehemiah"


Evan keeps on calling Nehemiah a coward

Which I don't get. I mean he went after one of the biggest guys there...

Nehemiah picks Evan

Good for Nehemiah...

Paula's so full of shit

She picks Dunbar and send Nehemiah to the duel so that "he can provide emotional support" to Jenn.

I can think of a few other reasons why Paula picked Dunbar, and they involve her being a slut.

Katie and Ruthie conspiring

If Katie, Ruthie and the other outcasts want any chance at winning, they need to form an alliance. They need to pick off Rachel, Diem, Tori, et al or they're toast

Good for you, Jenn

Stickin' it out like a soldier.

Dunbar on outside looking in

It's become pretty obvious that Dunbar is not well-liked by the other cast members. His only real ally seems to be Paula, and you know how much that's worth...

Landon and Brittini win!

In other news, Big Easy and Katie didn't even get to the puzzle. They are a joke. Easy: get the hell off the show you're terrible

I wonder if Britt's recent success in the challenges will keep her out of duels, even though she's a rook

Evan and...Diem?

Looks like Evan has moved on from Paula to Diem. They are teaming up this ridiculous challenge. Power team, I'd say.

Other interesting teams:

Mark and Rachel- another strong team
Isaac and Ruthie (talk about random)
Landon and Brittini (again)
Paula and Dunbar

Can't understate the importance of having a strong partner, not just in this challenge but moving forward in The Duel. Rachel, for example, will really benefit from having Mark as a close ally, since he will probably be winning lots of challenges or at least getting picked early.

Landon continues to impress

First to finish the running portion of the challenge...I didnt realize he was such an athlete--proving me wrong each week

Interesting question

My brother just asked as Jenn is drilling Rachel about their friendship/relationship: Is Jenn even a lesbian? What's her deal?

Jenn and MJ are not friends

Jenn says to Rachel: "I've been talking to you as much as...MJ!" Nice little tidbit

Jenn loves to talk

She'd talk to a brick wall if it'd listen.

Evan's in trouble

Evan is talking shit, which means that he;s probably gonna go to the Duel. MTV likes to set up the "gotcha" moment, where they surprise the unsuspecting and amateur viewer...

Live Blog begins now...

Should be a good episode tonight. My predictions:

Women: Katie vs Kimberly, Kimberly going home

Men: Dunbar vs. Isaac, Isaac going home

Only time will tell...

American Idol tonight

Who's gonna go??
I'd be shocked if it was anyone but Matt Giraud and Alison Iraheta. If they still stick with a bottom 3, it will probably be rounded out by Gokey, though you never know. Gokey has a very passionate following that might be dialing like crazy.

My prediction: Alison packing her bags

The Duel 2 Live Blog Tonight

Be sure to check it out, 10PM ET

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Opening Sequence on The Duel

I'm sorry I didn't get to it sooner, but you just can't ignore it. First of all, it's extremely offensive; it pretty much mocks the entire New Zealand tribal culture. That being said, it's extremely entertaining, especially after having watched it a few times. For those of you who haven't seen in since last Wednesday:

For those keeping score at home, the cast members who seem particularly into the whole chanting thing are:

I Love Money 2

Watching a full episode tonight for the first time. The show is a competition between random cast members from the various VH1 dating shows (I Love NY, Flavor of Love, etc). I have no idea where they find these people. It looks like Taylor Made (from I Love New York) is the smartest- not that that says much. The girls are generally pretty unattractive but one stands out as particularly busted:

Watch at your own risk. Might be worth checking out next week, which is the finale, just to see who undeservedly takes home $250K

Making the Band Live Finale

Don't know if anyone actually watched this, but it was pretty entertaining. My thoughts:
  • Aubrey looked pathetic. Kept on jumping in front of Diddy to encourage people to "twitter me!" Do it on your own time.
  • She also apparently is going to have a reality show that I will not be watching
  • Aundrea wasn't there for some reason. I've always liked her so I was disappointed.
  • When they went around to say what they were up to now, Shannon seemed to have the least going on, only mentioning that she was working on some website...
  • Day 26 performed three songs. I don't know if it's just me, but I just don't think they're that good.

American Idol update

Not sure if other people are watching, but Idol has been pretty entertaining this year (provided you can DVR it and fast forward through some of the cheesy commentary and guest singers).
My thoughts on the final 5:
  • Kris Allen and Matt Giraud are my favorites. Generally seem like good guys who I think have a decent shot at having a music career ahead of them.
  • I don't think Giraud actually has a shot at winning, especially with several other more popular guys in the field. I do think, however, that he picked up some fans following the episode when the judges used the "save" to keep him around.
  • Alison, the only girl still around, is pretty talented I guess but doesn't do it for me at all. She's pretty annoying. I thought she'd have a decent following among the powerful pre-teen girl voting block, but she always seems to be in the bottom 3.
  • Matt and Alison are probably the next to go
  • Adam Lambert is definitely the most talented, but I have a tough time getting behind him. Maybe it's the eye makeup.

Spread the word!

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Anyone else looking forward to Making the Band Finale?

Q is crazy. I can't stand the guy. Anxious to see if he ends up re-joining the group. I hope they kick him to the corner.

qwanell21.jpg image by lilmagic255

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

MTV has done it again

Great episode tonight. I'll go more in depth tomorrow but here are my initial thoughts:
  • I know that everyone's turning on Evan, but he'll be fine. They're all talk
  • Brooke is awful and should refrain from going on more challenges
  • Props to Davis for taking on Evan
  • Nehemiah is a bitch for fucking over his friends so that he could suck up to Paula
  • Landon showed me a lot tonight. He is a real contender
  • Damn Ruthie. Rachel too. They're gonna be tough to beat.

Quick predictions for tonight

Of course you can never tell what's going to happen, but here's my guess:

Female duel: Paula vs. Brooke with Brooke losing

Male Duel: Davis vs. Isaac with Isaac losing

No Live Blog Tonight

I'm afraid some things came up (DVR of American Idol results show) and I will be unable to live blog the Duel tonight. I will be sure to live blog starting next Wednesday.

Sorry for the disappointment,

Enjoy the show! It's the best day of the week!

Guest writer: Eli on MTV's College Life

I had had high hopes for MTV's new reality series College Life, I really did. I thought the idea of documenting the lives of college freshmen was long overdue, but nonetheless, such a show was here and even though I am now two years out of college, I was excited. Though I missed the series premiere, as with any true MTV reality show, story lines are generally pretty obvious and don't differ much from episode to episode, so I was at no disadvantage watching the second episode. My thoughts:

I'm not sure what audience MTV is trying to appeal to (probably not me) but from what I saw College Life is not representative of my experience or the college experience of anyone else I know. College Life is a reality show about freshmen at the University of Wisconsin. 8 freshmen document their lives with a camera giving a very amateur quality to the show. Each student is supposed to represent a different mold of typical freshmen. One is a football player who represents freshmen jocks. Another, a somewhat alternative, independent thinker who was raised in a very conservative household. Of course there is the naive small town girl who has never been outside of the state of Wisconsin and is caught between sticking to her "back home values" and becoming "that girl." The remaining characters fall somewhere in between these stereotypes.

While you have the girl-guy drama that can be expected from any of MTV's shows, College Life spends far too much time showing the boring aspects of freshmen year. Too much sitting in a dorm room searching facebook and texting back and forth with friends. Frankly, I'm not sure who would find this entertaining. The deep issues that are brought up are equally ridiculous. The only issue or moral quandary that came up in this episode (and I am using this episode as representative of the show in general) is when Jordan debates getting a tattoo. In the end Jordan, who is bi-racial and who grew up in a very conservative Christian town, follows through with his dream of getting a tattoo (which takes up his entire arm!) despite his family values. Who cares!

I think I've seen enough of College Life.

Comments section

Be sure to check em out. Some good commentary going on here.

Tuesday's remainders from around TV

Looks like Blago won't be a reality TV star

Miss USA 2009 question and answer section was surprisingly political. And awkward

Speaking of awkward Miss USA answers (going to archives for this one)

Top Chef Masters will be premiering June 10th, with a pretty impressive cast.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Coming up this week

Tomorrow: Guest blog from Eli, who will be discussing the new MTV show, College Life. I've been trying to stay away from shows that chronicle people still in their teens, but I'd still be curious to hear how it is.

Wednesday: I will be live-blogging The Duel. Be sure to sign onto the blog and refresh often.

For the Love of Ray J Finale tonight

Coming in just 45 minutes. The final three vying for Ray J's heart are:
Joanna (Cocktail)Cocktail
Monica (Danger)Danger

Danielle (Unique)Unique

I am a big fan of Cocktail's and I think she's really in it to win it. In the previews for the finale, it implies that one of the girls is going to drop out. Based on the end last episode, I assume that woman will be Danger, since she seemed freaked out about Ray meeting her family. It would still be very surprising if she dropped out since it seems like shes all about Ray. Speaking of meeting the parents, I'd love to see these dating shows mix it up a little bit. I mean, maybe they can meet the friends of the contestants or something, in addition to parents. I'd love to see who these people hang out with. My prediction is that he will go with Cocktail in the end, who looks and acts a lot like his ex, Kim Kardashian.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's back!!!!

I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here will be returning to NBC on June 1st after a six year hiatus. Just saw the preview while watching the second of back-to-back episodes of Celebrity Apprentice. I've got a nice little life going here.

With any celebrity show, it all depends on how good a job the network does in recruiting celebrity contestants. It's a given that they're all going to be has-been losers- the key is that they are least interesting has-beens. From the looks of it, NBC has hit a home run: already on board are Heidi and Spencer from The Hills, American Idol castoff Sanjaya, Geraldo Rivera, and Dog the Bounty Hunter. Get this: rumor has it that Rod Blagojevich has been offered a spot on the show! Cross your fingers

Lot going on at Celebrity Apprentice

I like to tune in now and again, and I'm glad I did this week. This week, they were given the task of organizing an auction for some of Trump's jewelry. Clint Black, who served as the auctioneer for one of the teams, was painful to watch. Couldn't sell a thing. LPGA golfer Natalie Gulbis, on the other hand, caught some flak in the boardroom for picking jewelry that didn't show well. In the end, it came down to those two and Trump ended up firing Gulbis. I disagree--after watching Black botch the auction I didn't think he had a shot in hell. It may have been one of those things where Trump realized that Gulbis didn't have a chance to go all the way so why keep her around any longer.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Real Housewives of New Jersey

Very excited for this one. Starts next Tuesday. This whole franchise is always good for an hour when you're bored at midnight. This next batch of women seem somewhat less attractive than previous casts. One woman in particular is quite unattractive. Time will tell what kind of drama they bring to the table
Caroline Manzo

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Women (Caution: Spoiler Alert)

Wow. Big things happening in New Zealand these days. I did not see Robyn leaving that early. She has no one to blame for herself- why would you choose Kimberly over Brooke?!?! This was probably a pretty embarrassing challenge to watch for Robyn- she was pretty much mocked the entire time. Now for my predictions and analysis for the women:


Aneesa: Never quite as good an athlete as you'd think. She won the first duel, but beating Shauvon is like beating Brooke or some other extremely unathletic, unmotivated loser- not very impressive. She has a decent following among the vets so she'll be around for awhile but I dont see her going all the way. I'd like to see her get more involved in the house drama this season- she's been fading to the backdrop recently. Nothing a nice fling with Rachel wouldn't fix...
Odds of winning: 10:1

Brittini: Dont remember her at all from RW. She was pretty good at sitting on the ice block in tonight's episode, though I don't know to what extent that speaks to her athletic ability. Her and Landon have developed a bit of an alliance, which can only be helpful for her in the long run. Perhaps a rimance is their future? I think it will...
Odds of winning: Darkhorse alert, 8:1

Brooke: Terrible. Really awful. Possibly the most unathletic person I've ever seen on national TV. Not unlike Paula, she got her boob job and now walks around like she owns the place. She has zero chance of winning this challenge, because it's not like she is smart and can win the puzzle challenges. My pick for the next to go
Odds of winning: 100:1

Diem: I didnt love how she handled the whole CT situation, but overall, I'm a fan of Diem's. First of all, she is very well liked, so she's not going anywhere anytime soon. Second of all, she's a pretty solid athlete, albeit not a great one- probably in the mold of a Kina-type. In the aftershow following the first episode, she was very quick to note that she had a new boyfriend. A little too quick. Probably still not over CT, who clearly is not interested in her anymore, thus making her situation a little pathetic.
Odds of winning: 8:1

Jenn: Not her first rodeo. She's got a few challenges under her belt and knows what she's doing. She's a good athlete and quite a competitor. She seems to be somewhat of an outcast in the house, which may put her in a few duels, but I like her to go far this year.
Odds of winning: 8:1

Katie: Loser. I know she's won a challenge like 10 years ago, but I just can't take her seriously as a competitor. Brings nothing to the table. Seems like she's always trying to befriend the new rookie outcasts so that she can form some kind of ragtag alliance (see: end of first women's duel, when she is one of only 2 or 3 people to go and hug Shauvon after she loses).
Odds of winning: 15:1

Kimberly: Wow, showed me a lot this week in beating Robyn handily in a fairly difficult physical duel. I have no idea why Robyn picker her instead of Brooke, but that's another story. Bottom line: she turned some heads last night and might just be able to stick around for awhile. I still don;t see her beating a Jenn or an Aneesa in a wrestling-type challenge, but think that she could continue to do well if the challenges allow her to take advantage of her height and relative athleticism (it's all relative with these girls)
Odds to win: 14:1

Paula: Amazing what a few years does. I remember not too long ago when she was an emotional wreck- anorexic, crying everyday about her boyfriend, and emotional baggage galore. Now she basically runs the show (at least for the women). She definitely gets the game and probably learned something after getting stabbed in the back on The Island. That being said, I have trouble warming up to her- not really sure why since normally I like the super-competitive, manipulative characters (i.e. Evan). I think it was initially because she acts like a veteran and I never really saw her as being in that group. I guess now that the Veronicas, Tinas, and Tonyas aren'y around anymore, Paula's as much a vet as anyone.
Odds to win: 4:1, as long as she can keep her alliance with Evan

Rachel: I'm glad she's back in the fold after a long absence. She is a personal trainer back home, so presumably she's going to be tough to beat. Doesn;t bring much to the table in terms of personality, but from the trailer, looks like she's going to be hot on the trail again for Jenn. Never seemed to really build strong relationships with the other girls considering she's a vet and all, so she's going to have to work on that.
Odds to win: 6:1

Ruthie: Great to have you back Ruthie! Great athlete and great competitor and people are afraid of her.
Odds to win: 4:1

Tori: Overall I like Tori. I'm interested to see what happens with her and Brad, since the trailer suggests that there is trouble in paradise. More in important than finding a life partner, Tori has found herself a great ally in Brad, which should be enough to keep her out of a duel until pretty late in the game. She also showed she's a pretty strong athlete in Road Rules.
Odds to win: 5:1

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Contenders for the Duel: Males

These are the guys that have a shot to win this thing:

Isaac: Not actually a contender; actually just forgot to put him in the previous post. Not only is he not that strong an athlete, but he also doesn't have the alliances to keep him out of the duel early on. I really liked him in RW Sydney. Never shy to wear a costume, Isaac wore blackface and overalls at a party on the first night. Odds of winning: 18:1

CT: I love CT and always have. When I heard he was going to be on this challenge I was very excited and had he not just gotten kicked off (again), he probably would have been the favorite

Brad: Really good guy. It was announced in the first episode that he and Tori are engaged, which is a pretty impressive pull. Brad is definitely a force and has a lot of heart. That being said, I don't think he would beat Mark or even Evan in a all-out wrestling-type duel. Also, he doesn't do that great in puzzle games because, as Paula once said, "he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer." Odds of winning: 5:1

Derek: I like this guy. I respect the fact that he took a leadership role in the Gauntlet 2, so presumably he'll be pretty comfortable coming into his second challenge. I think he was a Marine too, which can't hurt. Odds of winning: 10:1

Dunbar: Terrible. Hated him in RW Sydney and he was even worse in the most recent challenge. Was very happy when he got fucked over and finished out of the money. I think he's probably in the same category as Brad in terms of athletic ability, or maybe just a hair below. The big difference between the two is that Brad is well-liked and probably won't find himself in nearly as many duels as will Dunbar. Odds of winning: 10:1

Evan: I think this may be his challenge to win. He's definitely got the relationships and alliances to go far, which is pretty impressive considering he was never even on a RW or RR. Could be the guy to beat. Odds of winning: 4:1

Landon: I've always found him to be kind of a loser. I never got that whole superhero persona he took on in RW-Philly. Somehow he got into an alliance early on with Evan and Brad, so he'll probably be able to stick around for awhile. Odds of winning: 12:1

MJ: Probably pretty similar to Dunbar in terms of overall athleticism. I know it sounds stupid, but I don't think he has the passion to win of say, a Mark or Evan. You need to be a little crazy to go really far in this game. I don't see him beating Mark, Evan, Brad, or even Dunbar in a tough duel. Odds of winning: 10:1

Mark: Big guy. Also 40. Said he was going to retire from challenges a few years ago but here he is. He has that crazy quality I was referring to before. He's very well respected among the cast members- something of an elder statesman- which should keep him out of the duel very late in the game. Will be interesting to see if he rekindles things with Robyn. Odds of winning: 4:1 Mark Long - real world road rules fox reality

RW/RR primer

In anticipation of The Duel 2 tomorrow night, I will now release my analysis of each of the 26 competitors in this season, as well as the odds that they win. I'm going to split it up into four different sections: Men Contenders, Men Pretenders, Female Contenders, Female Pretenders. Let start with the guys who have no real chance of winning. Feel free to post your comments in the appropriate section- I'd like to get a dialogue going here.

Adam: I've always found him really annoying and kind of a tool (see: his rapping in the confessional at RW Paris was ridiculous). Doesn't really bring much to the table at the house (ie isnt hooking up with girls, at least not that I know of). On the competitive side, he's quick and agile and all, but in order to win the Duel, you're going to have to eventually beat one of the big guys in a duel that isn't mind or agility-based, and I don't see him doing that. Odds of winning: 18:1 Updated: Kicked off Davis: Pretty non-descript guy. In real life would be considered a strong guy but can't compete with this group. I also hate the 2 people he was making out with in the hot tub in the first episode (Brooke and Ryan), which makes me question his judgment. Odds of winning: 20:1

Nick: Barely know anything about him, honestly. He just got kicked off so not worth getting into. Odds of winning: Already out

Big Easy: Very fat still. He'll stick around for a while because no one wants to go into a duel against him and it end up being a sumo wrestling competition or something. Even if he does make it close to the end, I don't see how he'd win a final challenge. I'd be very curious to know if he's hooked up with anyone in the house. Odds of winning: 20:1
Ryan: Probably m yleast favorite of the men in this challenge. Very annoying and for some reason thinks he's got a chance to win this thing. In the beginning of the first episode he said that he wasn't worried about going into the duel because all the girls had his back. About 20 minutes later he was sent into the duel. He did win, but whatever he still sucks. Odds of winning: 20:1

Spinoff city

So in case you haven't noticed, VH1 has had about 30 different shows that are pretty much exactly the same only with different characters (or, in some case, the exact same shows with the exact same characters). When they put out Surreal Life: Season 3 way back in 2003, I don't think they had any idea what a gold mine it would be for them. It produced: Strange Love, Flavor of Love, Flavor of Love 2, Flavor of Love 3, I Love New York, I Love New York 2, New York Goes to Hollywood, New York Goes to Work, Flavor of Love Charm School, Real Chance at Love, I Love Money, I Love Money 2, and probably a few more that I can't think of right now because they're even worse than the above mentioned.

Anyway, Brett Michaels' Rock Of Love has done pretty well in its own right, and due out this week is yet another spinoff: Daisy of Love, featuring arguably the craziest one yet, Rock of Love 2 runnerup Daisy de la Hoya. It really doesn't seem any worse or better than I Love New York or any other VH1 dating show, but I dont know how many more of these things I actually care to watch. I'll check it out and report back.

Monday, April 13, 2009

2010 Senate Rankings, Part 1

I love Senate rankings, so here are mine. Ranked in terms of likelihood that the seat will switch parties in 2010. Part one includes the top three targets. Tomorrow I'll post #s 4, 5 and 6.

1. New Hampshire (currently R) : Rep Hodes (D) looks like a solid favorite to take over the seat held currently by former Commerce Secretary designate/ current Obama basher Judd Gregg (R), who says he will not run for reelection. My initial concern was that a bunch of Dems, salivating over an open seat in a state that went strongly for Obama, would beat eachother up in a tough primary. However, now that Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D) has announced that she will not seek the seat, Hodes seems to be in good shape. I haven't heard anything about who might run on the Republican side, which could change things. Some people may be afraid of Sununu making a run at his old seat, but I don't see NH voters going back to Sununu again after kicking him out of office just 2 years earlier (by a lot).

2. Kentucky (currently R): Sen. Jim Bunning (R) is senile and legitimately crazy. Not like "oh, he's so conservative" type of crazy, but actually "doesn;t know what's going on" crazy. Add to that the fact that the Dems have a pretty deep bench of Congressmen and other statewide electeds jockeying to take down the former Hall of Fame pitcher-turned-Senator, and you'd think this would be a slam dunk for Dems. Not so. I really thought then state-senator Mongiardo was going to take down Bunning back in '04. You may recall that Bunning refused to debate Mongiardo in person, fueling speculation that he had Alzheimers. Over the past four and a half years, Bunning has failed to put the rumors to rest, making this a ripe pickup opportunity for the Democrats.

3. Pennsylvania (currently R): Tough situation for Sen. Arlen Specter (R). Not only is he a Republican in an increasingly blue state, he is being primaried from the right by former Club for Growth Prez Pat Toomey. I have a few thoughts on this race, a couple of which work in Specter's favor, a couple of which do not.
What he's got going for him:
  • The Democrats rumored to be interested in entering the race are not particularly strong.
  • Given that the general election is going to be easier to win than the Republican primary, Specter can spend the next 18 months hedging to the right, thereby closing some of the distance between him and Toomey on the ideological spectrum.
Why he's in trouble:
  • The obvious: he has to win a primary decided by the most conservative members of the PA electorate and then come back around and win the general election in a purple-blue state
  • Pennsylvania has become increasingly blue. Pundits often talk about FL, OH, and PA as the big battlegrounds on the electoral map, but it really isn;t the case anymore. Pennsylvania, like Michigan and othe rust belt states, were not even competitive in 2008 and would have been won by any generic Democrat.
There are my rankings for the top three Senate seats likely to change parties in 2010. Tomorrow I'll post #s 4, 5 and 6.

Not worth even my time

VH1's Tough Love, which features a matchmaker who works with eight somewhat attractive women to show them the error of their ways and the path to true love. Or at least so says the VH1 website. It's pretty bad. Probably better than I Love Money 2, another VH1 brainchild, but that doesn't say much.

Top Chef Masters

In case you haven't heard, Top Chef is mixing things up a little bit to follow up on what I found to be a pretty disappointing sixth season. Looks like this next season is going to feature already established chefs (many of whom have appeared in previous seasons as guest judges) competing for the title of Master Top Chef. My first reaction is to be pretty skeptical- usually when "celebrities" compete in reality shows (see: "The Apprentice", "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here", etc) they don't really try that hard. I guess it will depend on what Bravo's offering the winner. A lot of these guys are probably egomaniacs, so that will help, but I think Bravo's going to have to do a little better than 10,000 bucks to the winner's favorite charity.

Update: To everyone's relief, Ted Allen will not be a judge. I guess he was too busy being a waste of space on literally every other food/fashion/design show on television

Real World/Road Rules Challenge is back

That's right. And not a moment too soon. People I'm excited to see back in the fold: Evan, CT, and Brad, among others. The girls are usually all pretty terrible but we'll see. Expect a lot of coverage on this blog over the next couple months.